Month: May 2006

Circles Of Life – 2 (A Secret)

A long time ago, when I was a kid, I was friends with an old Romanian woman that traveled with the show, as a psychic. She was nice to me and told me some things. She was from a real Gypsy family and community in Romania, she came to this country some years before. She…

Circles Of Life

I’ll miss the town I’ve been spending the last three off seasons in. It’s quiet and out of the way, far from the busy Midway, and a number of miles off the main highway. As I was leaving on the bus, it struck me that I would never be back. There’s no reason for me…

The Carny House

The Carny house is a beehive of activity. It’s hard to get any time alone, even though I have my own room. We’re just getting some equipment ready for an upcoming show, there’s nothing really interesting to tell. There are only five of us at the house right now. We talk and laugh late into…

What Matters To Me

Character matters the most to me. It’s one of those things no one can take from you. I’ve met a lot of people that had nothing in this world, but they had character, experiences, they were interesting. I’ve also met people that had a lot going for them in the material sense, and they were…

The Greyhound

I’m on the Greyhound right now, how many times have I made this trip this time of year? Everything is dark except for a light on above the seat near the front, a woman’s reading. I’ve just been sitting here staring out the window at the blackness, thinking. I’ve been thinking about past seasons, when…

I’m Wireless

So I got my wireless for my laptop. I’ll be online this summer and won’t have to go seeking Internet café’s in various cities, though I know where most of them are now. I still won’t be able to post as often as I would like because of the hours I work, but I will…

On the Road:Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac was a self destructive drunk and a good enough writer I think. His book “On the Road” was a fictional story. As a fictional story I think it’s good. So why then did a generation accept it as true and set out “On the Road?” Because they were fucking idiots, that’s why. Most…